Working with our horses

Through working with my horses over the past 10 years, I've realized I cannot make them do anything. But I can make the right thing easy and the wrong thing more difficult. I've realized through my walk with the Lord that the way we train horses is a lot like the Lord trains us to be useful tools for His Kingdom. If we can accept this calling to come and serve him, our lives will be used to glorify him. Just the way a great horse is willing to go wherever his rider points him, we are to be willing to serve the Father with our whole hearts and minds and trust him with our lives. He protects us, provides for us and knows our every need. We are set aside for his special purpose, and he loves us, and the proof is the cross. Just like if we leave a horse out to the pasture and don't teach it how to be safe around us, it's life cannot be used for good. God will pull us out of our useless state and redeem our lives. By His gentle correction and His grace and patience, we can be used for good. I am not an expert, I'm just learning and absorbing what God is teaching me and would love to share these lessons with you.

Beginner Training

I offer beginners training. There is a minimum of a two hour session. If you are interested please contact me.